Recognizing the Miracles of Kindness

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This is Random Acts of Kindness Week and it got me thinking about kindness in general.

Times when I’ve been kind to others and the many, many times that others have been kind to me.

Their purposeful and sometimes random acts of goodness are sprinkled throughout my life like vast interconnected webs, too many to count, and yet so many stand out, never to be forgotten.

Do you know what I mean?

And on the flip side, there are times when I’ve missed an opportunity to be kind and times when others have been kind to me and I didn’t even notice or appreciate it.

But nevertheless, these invisible jewels of kindness have been added to the shining web of grace in my life.

And I’m grateful for all of it.

Webs of Kindness

‘Everything is a Miracle’

I’ve seen this saying a few times this week and when this happens, I know I’m supposed to take note.

Interestingly, it’s attributed to Albert Einstein:

“There are two ways to live your life.

One is as though nothing is a miracle.

The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

I know the latter to be true.

“There are two ways to live your life.

One is as though nothing is a miracle.

The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

~ Albert Einstein

But these days we really need reminders like this.

It seems as if kindness is never more needed than it is today.

Kindness Ideas

So I think that’s why I took notice of the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation‘s designation of February 14-20 as Random Acts of Kindness Week and started thinking about giving and receiving kindness.

“Scientific evidence shows us the positive effects of doing kind acts for others as well as receiving or even witnessing kindness,” the group points out. “Even the smallest act of kindness can change a life.”

Check out the group’s free downloadable home and workplace kindness calendars for 2021 that highlight kindness themes for each month, 50 ways to be kind poster, kindness bookmarks, the Kindness in the Classroom® curriculum and social-emotional distance learning mini-lessons. Scroll down to find all the downloads here.

The site also provides thoughtful ways to express kindness during this week or at any time.

Here are a few of those ideas:

A Kindness Jar: I think this is great for everyone, especially kids. Decorate an empty jar. Then through the week or month or however long you’d like to continue, write down when you see an act of kindness. Place the piece of paper in the jar each time and then review all the memories and acts of kindness that filled the jar that week.

Love Notes: Find two nice pieces of paper and send a note to someone who has changed your life for the better. Tell them how they’ve helped you. Then write a note to yourself, describing your strengths, values and skills that have gotten you to where you are now. Seal it in an envelope and put it away until you really need to hear those words.

Kindness Worksheet: List 5 of your daily activities and add in an added element of kindness for each activity.

So today I’m thinking that along with an attitude of gratitude, kindness never gets old.

And I’m sending virtual smiles of kindness your way, wherever you are.


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